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Long Tower Primary School, Derry

A Letter from America

4th Oct 2023

On 12th May 1947, 13-year-old Hilda Wells wrote a beautiful, handwritten letter to her Aunty Bernie in America. Inside the letter, she enclosed a photo, taken of herself and her classmates at the Derry Féis in 1947.

Hilda Mc Colgan née Wells was a pupil at Long Tower Girls School from approx. 1939 to 1948. In 1947, her class won the Féis Cup for their outstanding performance at the Derry Féis. Miss Maura Mc Girr was their choir teacher. Hilda’s aunt Bernie was so proud of the choir’s achievement that she kept the photograph for over 7 decades. Hilda and her aunt Bernie were delighted that this successful legacy in the Féis has been maintained throughout the school’s history.

Seventy-six years after posting her letter and photograph, Hilda received a letter from her cousin in America, informing her that following her aunt’s passing, the photo had been found safely tucked away in a box in the attic.

Please have a close look at the photograph. Perhaps, you might recognise someone you know from the old Long Tower Girls' School – maybe a great grandmother or great aunt.

We are so pleased that Hilda was able to remember the names of most of her classmates. Hilda is in the middle row of the photograph, 3rd on right.

This has been an important time of year for Hilda and her husband Matt Mc Colgan. Hilda has just recently reached her 89th year and Matt has reached his 95th year.  Both Hilda and Matt are also celebrating 67 years of marriage. What a milestone! We wish Hilda and Matt a very Happy Birthday and offer them huge congratulations on their 67th wedding anniversary.

We at Long Tower are very grateful to Hilda for providing us with this piece of history, which we will keep safely in our archives.

If anyone else has any photos or stories they would like to share with us, we would be very grateful.